1.Stanley New Street
When you arrive Stanley, Stanley New Street should be the main "entrance" for you to go to many attractions such as Stanley Market and Murray House.
Below, there are some views that you may see in the street! Enjoy yourself!
There are many different store and you can buy the goods as you like~<<<view of Stanley Street<<< some shops
Let see the smile from the tourists here!!
2. Stanley Market
In Stanley Market, there are many and many shops and stores. And you can find many different types of souvenirs (such as T-shirt, toy, picture, pen, hat), and I think you will love them~
<You may go into the market from here
Below, show you the views and the shops within the market!
<<Chinese"calculator"in the past<<<Chinese MahJong<<<Chinese style wearing
<<<Chinese weapon in the old day
3.Stanley Promanade
You may have a sight-seeing and also enjoy the sea view there. On top of this, you may have a talk with your friends or relaxation under the quiet environment.
<<<the map of the promenade and Stanley
Besides the enjoyment of the sight-seeing, you may also make a Chinese seal with your name here!
<<<the master of making the seal~!
At the promenade, you may also have a wonderful afternoon tea! For me, I've order a mini-cheeseburger
and a bottle of Heineken~ What a great time~
4. Stanley Main Street
In fact, it is a "place" that you may have a eating! On the road, you will see there are many restaurants and bars. Each restaurant or bar has a different style of foods and beverages for you to choose for! Sure that may have one of them that is suitable for you~!
<<<whole view of Stanley Main Street at night
5. Murray House
When it comes to the attractions in Stanley, no doubt, the Murray House is an indispensable part absolutely!
For the Murray House , "it is a restored Victoria-era building (1844) that was named after Sir George Murray (1772-1846), a British soldier and politician. Architectural design was done by Major Aldrich and Lieutenant Collinson of the Royal Engineers, who actually did the construction. In 1982 it was dismantled to make way for the Bank of China Tower which now sits on the original site. It was finally reassembled in it's present location in Stanley behind the end of Stanley Main Street."(according to the web-site of http://www.hk-stanley-market.com/Murray-House/) And nowadays, it is one of the cultural heritage in Hong Kong.
Today, it involves a museum (Hong Kong Maritime Museum) at the ground floor and some restaurants at the first and second floor. Certainly, it is also a good place for photo taking!
<<<at night
The museum~!
<<< introduction of Murray House
Night view of Murray House and Stanley
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